"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us..." - M. Williamson
The belief is finally there. The courage I've been seeking is seeping back into my bones, and I am beginning to feel like myself, who I'm meant to be. With that, all that is left is to set my targets and shoot for the moon. So then, here's a list of what I want to do:
- Learn:
- Art:
- 2d/3d Animation
- Web Design
- Graphic Design
- Illustration
- Character Design
- Concept Art
- Painting in water colour/acrylic/oils/etc.
- Graffiti
- Street-art
- and just about everything else
- Cognitive:
- Shifting states of mind
- Lucid dreaming
- Improving memory & retrieval
- Reading people
- True critical thinking
- Improving reaction speed
- Controlling focus
- Meditative techniques
- Speed-reading
- Physical:
- Flipping
- Free-running
- Aggressive Inline
- Snowboard tricks
- Old school dancing
- Bboying
- Writing:
- Poetry
- Short-stories
- Blogging
- Drafting a story for film/Screen writing
- Letters